Three weeks post-op and I’m back to barre3 today!! If you know me, you know this is what I’ve been waiting for. 💪🏼👊🏼🙌🏼
This pre-op pic from my second (and hopefully last) surgery on July 13th marked *exactly* 6 months from my breast cancer diagnosis back on January 13th. It’s been a rollercoaster for sure, but do you know what else it’s been? A blessing. Something that I’m so grateful for. I know a lot of people can’t really understand how that’s possible (or even believe me when I say it),but trust me - it is.

This journey has given me such a shift in perspective, such a love for this life and all the tiny, beautiful things in it. A newfound appreciation for every day that we think we’re guaranteed when we’re actually not. A change in my “maybe next year” or “not today” attitude because I’ve learned that nothing is certain in this life.
Every single morning, I sit with my coffee and make a conscious decision to focus on the good. I carry it through the day to show my girls that no matter what life throws my way, I am in control of how I respond to it. From the start, they’ve been watching us and our reactions to every bit of news we’ve received. Have I hidden my tears from them? No. They’ve seen me cry and be overwhelmed. We’ve had some of the best conversations this year. They’ve watched me overcome and celebrate. They’ve seen me persevere, pick myself up, dust myself off, and get through another day. I knew what I wanted their memory of this to be and I feel like we made it happen. The good has far outweighed the bad over here these past six months and that’s what seems to be standing out to them. Honestly, they seem so unfazed by any of it. For that, I’m so incredibly relieved and grateful. God forbid they ever find themselves facing cancer, I hope they remember this time and know that they can continue to live a beautiful life and thrive through it. ❤️
I obviously have no idea what the future holds, but the only thoughts allowed in my head are those of a positive outcome. Of a long, healthy life - I refuse to consider anything else a possibility. ❤️